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Wealth Management

Goals-Driven Investing

Research and guidance to align your investments with your goals

Portfolios aligned with the purpose of your wealth, supported by robust research and customized where it matters

Holistic Advice Tailored for Your Needs

Why Northern Trust

Your portfolio is built to meet your unique needs

A deep discovery process drives an investment program tailored uniquely to you. You will have confidence you can fund the goals that matter most to you.

You are compensated for the risk you take

While risk and return are related, every risk does not yield returns. A deep understanding of your individual goals and risk appetite will clearly identify risks that need to be eliminated or mitigated.

You will have confidence you will meet your goals

What counts are the returns you keep. Chasing gross returns can leave you disappointed; we build portfolios with a focus on returns after taxes, fees and inflation.

We help you plan for volatility

You face an unpredictable future; we help you plan for a range of outcomes, including inevitable periods of market stress and drawdowns, so you can feel confident about meeting your goals.

Data drives our advice and recommendations

You will be sure you are getting advice informed by rigorous research and data to help you meet your goals.

You have a framework for making decisions

Patented, award-winning technology lets you see the impact of your decisions, allowing you to clearly and intuitively assess outcomes and tradeoffs.

Goals Driven Wealth Management

Through our award-winning technology, we collaborate with you to design a plan around your unique priorities and make ongoing decisions as circumstances change.


  • Fully address goals across lifestyle, family, business and philanthropy 
  • Understand how your plan changes as goals are fulfilled or added, or as market conditions change 
  • Model scenarios to understand the full impact of your options 
  • Make decisions with confidence


investment leadership

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Achieve What Matters Most

Explore how Northern Trust can optimize your portfolio to unlock returns, fulfill your plans and achieve your goals.