Market Currents | Northern Trust Market Currents | Northern Trust
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Market Currents

Pull back the curtain on financial trends as Wealth Management CIO Katie Nixon and her guests tackle big market questions the best way possible: by exploring the evidence.

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Market Currents from Northern Trust Wealth Management

There are many debates in the investment world. These debates tend to generate alarmist headlines and considerable uncertainty among investors looking to position their portfolios for the future. In Market Currents, host Katie Nixon explores arguments on both sides of these debates by separating facts, myths and theories with the help of industry-leading experts. The resulting insights position listeners to put headlines in context with the evidence and make better-informed investment decisions.

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Katie Nixon

Chief Investment Officer, Northern Trust Wealth Management

A globally recognized market commentator, Katie leads Northern Trust’s national wealth management investment practice, directing the investing activities of over 200 portfolio managers across the business’s more than 60 offices. In this role she focuses on empowering clients to realize the full potential of their wealth through research-backed goals-driven investing and portfolio construction.

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