How Will You Fund Your Next Big Thing? | Northern Trust How Will You Fund Your Next Big Thing? | Northern Trust
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How Will You Fund Your 'Next Big Thing?'


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Eric Czepyha, Director, Business Services

Faced with a rapidly shifting socioeconomic landscape, many investors find themselves wanting to fund major purchases – whether to further a passion (vacation homes, aircraft, yachts), make direct investments or start a new business. 

Although motives and investment vehicles for “the next big thing” vary greatly from one investor to another, these opportunities have one thing in common: they require significant liquidity.

Assets serve a purpose – and should be intentionally invested to achieve those goals. A framework for vetting liquidity needs – and available sources of liquidity – will ensure new opportunities do not undermine the ability to fulfill existing goals.

A 2022 study of high-net-worth investors conducted by The Northern Trust Institute asked respondents where they would source additional liquidity if needed to fund a major purchase. Overwhelmingly, more than 75% indicated they would sell existing assets, with far fewer considering options to borrow.

1920px-stats-quote of the respondents indicated they would sell existing assets , with far fewer considering options to borrow % 75
768px-stats-quote of the respondents indicated they would sell existing assets , with far fewer considering options to borrow % 75
365px-stats-quote of the respondents indicated they would sell existing assets , with far fewer considering options to borrow % 75

However, under the right circumstances, tapping into leverage can be a valuable strategy to fund liquidity needs.

For instance, borrowing against your portfolio, rather than liquidating assets, can help keep your investment strategy intact and avoid the need to sell risk assets at depressed prices or during periods of excessive market volatility. Consider the following example:

Using Leverage vs. Liquidation

$2M Lifestyle Purchase with Loan Payoff in Year 5

The growth potential of your investments can be greater than the cost of credit. Using leverage may increase the value of your investments even after repaying borrowed funds. 

$7M$8M$9M$6M$5M$4M$3MRepaid Loan + InterestYear 1Starting Value of PortfolioYear 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Goal Funding PointBorrower's portfolio value exceeds seller's by:$266,226.43Value of PortfolioLiquidated $2M Investments + Tax to PurchaseThis example shows a 5.9% investment growth rate and a 4% loan interest rate. Assumes borrower decides to pay off lineof credit after five years with the loan principal and interest paid from the portfolio. In both scenarios the $2M asset sale assumes $238,000 taxes paid from the portfolio.
$7M$8M$9M$6M$5M$4M$3MRepaid Loan + InterestYear 1Starting Value of PortfolioYear 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Goal Funding PointBorrower's portfolio value exceeds seller's by:$266,226.43Value of PortfolioLiquidated $2M Investments + Tax to PurchaseThis example shows a 5.9% investment growth rate and a 4% loan interest rate. Assumes borrower decides to pay off line of credit after five years with the loan principal and interest paid from the portfolio. In both scenarios the $2M asset sale assumes $238,000 taxes paid from the portfolio.
This example shows a 5.9% investment growth rate and a 4% loan interest rate. Assumes borrowerdecides to pay off line of credit after five years withthe loan principal and interest paid from the portfolio. In both scenarios the $2M asset sale assumes $238,000 taxes paid from the portfolio.Value of PortfolioLiquidated $2M Investments + Tax to PurchaseBorrower's portfolio value exceeds seller's by:$266,226.43$7M$8M$9M$6M$5M$4M$3MStarting Value of PortfolioYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Repaid Loan + InterestGoal Funding Point

What is the optimal way to fund a major purchase or investment? Though the answer to this question will be as different as the individual investors and opportunities, we find that a systematic, goals-centered approach to vetting your options will yield the best outcomes for your portfolio and wealth plan — and perhaps most importantly, for successfully realizing your “next big thing.”

To learn more about our framework for funding major purchases, download the full paper.

Dive Deeper

What’s Your Next Big Thing?

A framework for vetting sources of capital to fund new opportunities.

Business Owners

Funding Your Next Big Thing

Learn more about our framework for funding major purchases.


This information is not intended to be and should not be treated as legal, investment, accounting or tax advice and is for informational purposes only. Readers, including professionals, should under no circumstances rely upon this information as a substitute for their own research or for obtaining specific legal, accounting or tax advice from their own counsel.  All information discussed herein is current only as of the date appearing in this material and is subject to change at any time without notice.

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